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  • Blooming tea,better known as flowering tea.

Blooming Tea - Premium


Product Description

 Better known as flowering tea, due to how it opens up once covered in water. These artful creations are hand stitched together tea leaves, flowers and herbs. Every bloom is unique as you and I.  The possibilities are endless as almost any flower can be stitched into the ball.  For a little bit of heaven after work let one brew in your cup as you curl up and watch the bloom open.

 We suggest that after you have finished enjoying your blooming tea that you place it in a tall glass vase and cold water. This way you can enjoy the bloom a little longer, simply change the water once every two days.

Region: Fujian, China

Steeping Guide:

Tea ware: glass cup or pot

Amount: one blooming tea ball

Temperature: 80°c (176°F)

Steeping time:  Enjoy the bloom as it opens, this takes about 3 minutes.  Feel free to continue to brew the tea many times. 


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