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Organic Japanese Houjicha Green Tea


Product Description

Houjicha is roasted Japanese green tea consisting of both the leaves and the stems of the tea leaf. The roasting process, as oppose to the more common steaming process that is more common with Japanese green tea, creates a more brown appearance and a roasted, nutty and caramel-like flavour. Houjicha is also low in caffeine that can be enjoyed throughout the day.


Region: Kagoshima


Steeping Guide:

Teaware: Glass or ceramic Gaiwan

Amount: 3g /1½ teaspoons

Temperature: 80°c (176°F)

Steeping Time: 1 to 2 minutes for the first two steeps and 3 to 5 minutes for the third and fourth.


*These steeping directions are for a traditional Gong Fu style tea, if you are brewing this tea in a regular cup we recommend steeping for 2 – 3 minutes. This tea can also been steeped 4 times.


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